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Sub-Contractor Services
At its simplest, a subcontractor is someone who carries out work according to an agreed scope of works. They are not employees of the organisation that has procured their services. Once the subcontracted work has been carried out, therefore, their work will come to an end and they will need to move on to seek another subcontract with another organisation. This is very different from people who enjoy an employed status, of course. Subcontractors commonly take on specialist roles for which particular skills are needed. If a company won a government contract to build a new railway line, for example, then it would function in the role of a main contractor.Professional Construction & Remodeling
Some people see mission statements as moving targets and self - congratulatory slogans. We see ours as a solid foundation, from which we have grown our capacity to serve a diverse client base, through achieved best practices. Although our strategy has changed to keep pace with an ever-changing market place, our mission/vision has been constant. A kind of litmus test and alert for choosing the right course of action in moments that are anything but clear-cut. Thus, in these most challenging times, our insight has allowed us to adapt our comprehensive "new-construction and major rehab" experience to trade specialties and interrelated building systems.Commercial Building Services
REAL Builders is a West Atlanta-Metro based Residential and Light – Commercial Licensed (GA) General Construction firm, with over twenty years of experience. Since our start in 2002 we have amassed twelve solid years of superior cutomer service and project completion.Affordable and licensed (REAL) services, and exceeds customer's expectations, through Captured Client Concepts, Innovative designs, Realistic Paths, Surprising Details and Superior Performance.
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